
Restaurant Consulting Services

'The Giveback' a.k.a. Pay it Forward

  This is a topic that we have explored previously on here, however this is a specific example and our Director of Operations, Corey T. Nyman's involvement in the University of Denver, LEAD Mentorship Program.  Corey is a proud Alumni of the School of Hospitality Management at the University of Denver and serves on their Executive Advisory Board, returning to campus frequently for mentoring students, meetings, events and speaking engagements.


Corey's current mentorship is with a current student who is a Sophomore majoring in Hospitality Management pursuing her Minor in Spanish and Business Analytics.  She is active working in Knoebel Events at the School's Event's Center, preparing for a Summer Internship with MGM International and then gearing up for a Fall Semester Abroad.  Corey has been able to conduct bi-weekly phone calls and video calls with this young woman, guiding her through various topics, including the below


  • Ability to review different generational challenges from hers to mine

  • Focus on gaining experience in the industry

    • Not specifying, but being open to various opportunities

  • Tricks & Secrets of Interviewing and meeting leaders in the industry

  • Relating Real Life Lessons with Industry Advancement

  • Ability to Network and get out of just a classroom mentality


As she continues to grow in the Hospitality industry, Corey will happily remain a mentor and guide to her, even once the LEAD program is completed, as that is our industry works.  We support our own.




How are you choosing to give back to the next generation of upcoming leaders in Hospitality and Pay it Forward?