
Restaurant Consulting Services

Corey T. Nyman - University of Denver - Distinguished Lecture Series, Guest Speaker

On Monday, October 14th, our Vice President of Operations, Corey T. Nyman had the opportunity to speak at the Daniels College of Business, Fritz Knoebel School of Hospitality Management's Distinguished Lecture Series.  Corey is an proud Alumnae of the school (BSBA 1999) and also is a member of their Executive Advisory Board for over 13 years.


The Distinguished Lecture Series is a Senior only class at the school, having a chance to connect them with leaders and influencers in the hospitality industry, learn from their experiences and background, and have an overall dialogue in an informal setting.


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It was a true honor and an opportunity that Corey had the ability to speak with the students while also being being back on campus at the university.  He was able to communicate directly with the Seniors in the class, hear about their diverse backgrounds and the range of questions and comments, and shared further about his career in the hospitality industry and life experiences. 


As well, Corey was able to learn more about their passion for the industry, backgrounds, future plans and dreams after graduation.


Having the ability to give back and mentor those in our industry, most especially young and future leaders is extremely important to us at The Nyman Group along with contributing to our alma maters.